The ideology of Jamaat ul-Fuqra/Muslims of America (MOA) is rooted in firm devotion to Sheikh Mubarak Ali Gilani, a secretive Islamist cleric in Pakistan who claims to be a direct descendant of the Prophet Muhammad.
Gilani titles himself as the imam of MOA and the Vice Chancellor of the International Quranic Open University, its educational branch. He claims to be the head of the Qadri Order in Sufi Islam.
MOA identifies itself as jointly Sufi and Sunni. It follows the Hanafi school of thought in Sunni Islam and practices Sufism, belonging to the Sarwari Qadri Order. An official MOA book from 1982 explicitly describes their order as “militant” and dedicated to jihad.[1]
Gilani wrote in a 1987 letter to MOA’s Muslim Girls Club that there are three types of Islam in the United States: A government-sponsored type that deviates from Islam by promoting assimilation; a type dominated by foreigners who are only Muslim by birth and regularly disregard Islamic teachings; and the indigenous Islam consisting of those born in the U.S. who “struggle to wipe out” all anti-Islamic customs from their communities. He wrote that “our own jamaat” falls into the third category.
The MOA also believes that evil “jinn beings” possess human beings and are responsible for major elements of Western pop culture. It says that the movies Star Wars, The Lord of the Rings, Avatar, The Exorcist and Harry Potter were part of “jinn” plots to corrupt minds and spread Satanic influence.[2]
Gilani as the “Sixth Sultan of Fuqra”
MOA believes that there are seven “Sultan-ul-Fuqra;” which are seven souls that existed 70,000 years before the birth of Adam. Gilani proclaims to be the 6th Sultan. His successor, the 7th Sultan, will be present for Doomsday.
His first book published in 1980 states that he, the 6th Sultan, will guide the 7th Sultan, implying that he’ll be alive and identify his successor.[3] A document from the Quranic Research Institute, Gilani’s predecessor to the International Quranic Open University, says that the 7th Sultan will be among the group’s “talibs” (students).
MOA material has also referred to him as a “caliph,” meaning the leader of an Islamic theocratic empire called a caliphate. One of his earliest followers claims that the Prophet Muhammad told him that Gilani “is his caliph” and the “imam of the present century.”[4]
Gilani’s book that was distributed amongst his earliest followers, Futuhat-e-Mohammadia, preaches that he can grant his followers closeness to Allah and entry into Paradise when they die. Gilani describes the book as a “hidden treasure” that allows Muslims to become a “Himunoid” that escapes time, space, dimension, senses and body.
The book teaches that students can spiritually leave their bodies and Sheikh Gilani will lead them through “stations” marking their progress. A special one is the “station of annihilation in the sheikh” where Gilani merges with the student and they adopt his speech, behavior and even his physical attributes like his odor. The text describes Gilani and the student as then having a single soul with two bodies.[5]
Gilani decides the spiritual fate of his followers. He can remove a student from a “station” if he fails to live up to his expectations. The example provided is if “a Talib [student] who has been named to carry out a particular mission in a particular country fails to follow the instructions or live up to the mark.”
Those who are deemed worthy can enter a spiritual realm where go to the Holy Court of the Prophet Muhammad, meet all the previous Messengers of Islam, see Paradise and view the End Times events. The process includes becoming “re-born” with a new personality and spiritual connection to Gilani.[6]
Gilani’s retreats, or khilwats, are trips into isolated areas where spiritual experiences like those described are said to occur. His book includes testimonies from participants who describe harsh conditions at retreats in Mount Cello and Grand Gorge in New York where they froze in weather that is -25 degrees Fahrenheit.[7]
An official MOA book from 1982 that consists of Gilani’s writings and student testimonies explains that he is the “perfect sheikh” and students are not allowed to peer into his eyes. It says he is not free of sin but is divinely protected from sin. It says that a follower “should not do anything of his own free will without the authorization of the sheikh.”[8]
Gilani teaches that the Holy Court of the Prophet Muhammad consults with him and the Fuqra in regards to earthly governments and people and this court may sentence people to death. Gilani recalls spiritually entering the Holy Court and witnessing the ruling that an unidentified head of state be removed from power.
Gilani says he warned that foreign leader, who became angry and accused Gilani of plotting his overthrow. This leader had the Pakistani government investigate Gilani and unidentified persons started legal proceedings against him for alleged involvement in that foreign leader’s overthrow. He was never charged.
He says that he now tells his talibs (students) who spiritually enter the Holy Court of the Prophet Muhammad and witness proceedings related to earthly rulers must keep the rulings a secret.[9] Although Gilani does not identify which foreign leader he is referring to, it is most likely Egyptian President Anwar Sadat. Gilani and MOA celebrated his assassination in 1981. The group was also close with the “Blind Sheikh” who issued the fatwa ordering the assassination.
Gilani rejects any notion that he or any member of MOA has engaged in terrorist activity. He says the objective of his travels to the U.S. “was to save humanity” and “my mission is supported with the appearance of miraculous signs.” Gilani claims he protected the U.S. by eliminating the Wahhabists and Muslim Brotherhood in the country, which MOA believes belong to the Satanic-Zionist conspiracy.[10]
Cultish Loyalty to Sheikh Gilani
Former and current dissenting members of MOA describe MOA as a cult willing to die following Gilani’s directives.[11] Videos of the group show members as fanatically devoted to Gilani, even bursting into tears when he speaks to them through video conferencing.
An official MOA book from 1982 that consists of Gilani’s writings and student testimonies explains that he is the “perfect sheikh” and a student “should not do anything of his own free will without the authorization of the sheikh.”[12]
In 1984, MOA’s Quranic Open University in Brooklyn titled “Kalah of American Fuqra” that consists of stories and poems from members. Most of them refer to waging violent jihad on behalf of Gilani.
One written by Talibah Jamilah A. Rahim of California, reads:
“Those of you who dispute with our Sheikh, You had better beware, Because Allah, Al-Haqq, Is Always There! SHEIKH SYED MUBARIK ALI JILANI. You can not escape, His Rigour or Wrath, So you’d better submit, And travel the Fuqra Path. SHEIKH SYED MUBARIK ALI JILANI.”
A letter written in 1989 from a married woman in MOA to Sheikh Gilani complains of depression and nightmares after her daughter passed away. Her words display her cultish devotion to him:
“What I want and cannot have is to be with my sheikh. I love you my sheikh. I just wish that I could be there with you and let you know. I cry so much to be in your presence and I know that because of the person that I am, I cannot. Sometimes I don’t even want to exist. Feel as though I cause harm to people or they make it appear that way. Just don’t want me around.”
Khalid Khawaja, a former Pakistani intelligence operative and close associate of Gilani since 1988 when he claims they met, said in March 2002:
“I am telling you, Osama [Bin Laden] doesn’t have many people in America. I am telling you, I am sure of one thing, Osama does not have even one of his followers as committed as Sheikh Mubarak Gilani. Osama does not have even one as committed as the least of his people.”[13]
In another 2002 interview, Khawaja said Gilani has “thousands” of followers in America and “if you push him to that stage, that he has no option but to declare jihad on America…it will blow like a volcano.”[14]
Khawaja also said in 2008:
“Most of his followers are in America. I don’t find many of his followers here. And they are very committed and strong followers. They obey his orders to any degree. One of them told me if we are asked to cut our hand and foot and stay with him, many would agree to that. So this is a kind of strange following he has in America. They are all converts. The strongest piri-muridi I have ever seen is Mubarak Gillani. I haven’t seen that sort of strength in any other piri-muridi.”[15]
In a 2002 meeting with law enforcement, one of the founders of MOA and a long-time spokesperson based at Islamberg, Muhammad Hasib Haqq, said that Gilani “is more important to me than my own life.”
He described Gilani as “the most dynamic Islamic personality to ever grace the shores of the United States of America.” When asked if he’d fight the U.S. if Gilani said to, Haqq responded, “I don’t have a clue…Everything is based on Islamic Law.”[16]
In one letter written by Gilani’s wife to the women of MOA in the late 1980s or early 1990s, she urges the women of MOA to control their tempers and stop backstabbing each other. It has a very cultish tone as she writes that “there is no servant of Allah present in this world who has contributed more to your care and development than El Sheikh,” including their own parents and doctors.
Gilani’s wife asks the women not to be upset if he fails to respond to a letter because of how busy he is preparing for upcoming events. She says that she’s having dreams of Gilani with the “mujahideen” (holy warriors) as “jihad is approaching.”
A woman who grew up in Fuqra communes said that followers of Sheikh Gilani are willing to live in poverty and even lose their lives for him. She said those that meet him in Pakistan come back even more militant and act “as if they had been hypnotized.”
“Everyone in the building was about the Sheikh. Every disagreement was deferred to the Sheikh. The Sheikh and his wife would even name his followers’ babies,” she said.[17]
In one issue of the Islamic Chronicle, MOA’s newspaper at that time, a woman going by the pseudonym of Sayyida Talibah describes her willingness to fight and die for Gilani in a poem titled, “For My Sheikh”:
“For my sheikh I would fight on the frontline, I would guard him with my life, catch bullets, arrows and spears aimed at him, all of this for my sheikh, for my sheikh there is no sacrifice I would not make, no task I would not bear, kill munafiq and kufar, for my sheikh…”
Ali Abdel-Aziz, a former MOA member who served as a NYPD informant for eight years including living at Islamberg for two years, describes the group as a cult that treats Gilani as God. He said that members believe he is omnipresent and will turn them into monkeys if they disobey his rule based on a radical interpretation of Koran 5:60. They also believe he can leave his body at will and appear as animals in their communities.
Ali described MOA as “brainwashed.” When kids are asked what they aspire to be when they grow up, they often reply that they want to fight for Gilani. At age 17, they become “gangsters for what they think is a holy war.”
“The way they treat Gilani is forbidden in Islam,” Ali emphasizes. He complains that MOA makes Muslims look crazy to non-Muslims.
“MOA is asleep. They are asleep. They are a bomb. Here is the scariest part of MOA. Anything can happen with them at any time,” he told activist and author Martin Mawyer.[18]
Treatment of Women
Former and current dissenting MOA members have described the group’s ideology as sexist and oppressive towards females, including forced child marriages and brutal punishments for violating religious rules.[19]
In one letter written by Gilani’s wife to the women of MOA in the late 1980s or early 1990s, she says that “Allah has made him [your husband] a degree over you.” It says that they need permission from their husband and a letter of recommendation from the “naib” (a top official who is a male) before applying to give allegiance to Gilani.
The MOA-affiliated sources have said that there are major problems with female MOA members’ hostility to new women who join the group and Muslim women outside of MOA. The aforementioned letter substantiates those stories.
The letter criticizes the women for offending Muslim women outside of MOA by refusing to associate them and coming off as conceited and arrogant. Gilani’s wife says to stop viewing Muslims outside of MOA as potential enemies because it is making the organization disliked. It also criticizes them for having poor grammar and ostracizing each other.
Gilani’s wife tells the women to only display arrogance and prowess “in the face of jihad with the enemies of Allah” and towards unbelievers who talk down to them and humiliate them.
Apocalyptic Beliefs
MOA believes that the Doomsday will happen in the near future after the 7th Sultan is appointed. Gilani is the 6th Sultan and will guide his successor. Gilani claims to have already met the Mahdi, a central figure in Islamic End Times prophecy who will lead the Muslim world to final victory over its adversaries.
In 2009, MOA announced that the Mahdi, a messianic figure who will lead Islam in conquering the world during the End Times, had appeared to Gilani and top MOA officials. They claimed that Gilani and a select few leaders “ascended” to the “higher realms of the non-physical world” and he introduced the Mahdi to them. The group said that the Mahdi appeared to be in his mid- to late-30s. Gilani said the Mahdi would appear to the world in years, not decades.
“Soon after the physical appearance of Hazrat Imam Mahdi, Jesus, son of Mary, will come down from the Heavens and land at Masjid Aqsa in Jerusalem. The much anticipated Armageddon will later on take place,” the announcement says.[20]
Gilani claims to be friends with Jesus and to meet with him in the spiritual realm as he prepares for Armageddon:
“We are already participating in Muslim-Christian dialog, and this Christmas we are arranging a great festival to celebrate the birthday of our friend and great Sufi master, Jesus, son of Mary. We will tell the world who he is and how he lived. As a matter of fact, he is still living in the first heaven; he is 33 years old and I know him. I have met him. When he descends, he will still be the same age.”[21]
Gilani’s Quranic Research Institute (the predecessor to the Quranic Open University) preached that Islam’s version of the Antichrist (“Dajjal”) will appear in Israel with “kufr” written on his forehead, using a term for an enemy of Islam.
A MOA video from 2002 declares that the group’s “mission [is] to prepare people for the End Times because all signs of the Doomsday have been fulfilled,” according to Gilani.
It says that the End Times includes Allah taking revenge against the Satanic-Zionist New World Order conspiracy that has taken control of the U.S. government and is waging war on Islam. It reports that “the whole entire world will witness the downfall of these globalists by the end of the decade, says Imam Gilani.”[22]
MOA has not addressed the expiring of Gilani’s timeline.
MOA describes itself as patriotic and loyal to the United States. Former and current dissenting members of MOA describe the group as more anti-American than it broadcasts.[23]
A 2007 FBI document obtained by Ryan Mauro of the Clarion Project states, “The documented propensity for violence by this organization supports the belief the leadership of the MOA extols membership to pursue a policy of jihad or holy war against individuals or groups it considers enemies of Islam, which includes the US Government.”
After the murder of Daniel Pearl in 2002, Sheikh Gilani told 60 Minutes that MOA is pro-American:
“In America, the Muslims are better than any part of the world. They have more freedom. They have more facilities of life. Where will they go? OK, [if] they do something wrong, where will they go? I don’t want them. That’s their country. The American Muslims are better off in America than anywhere else. And they will never do anything wrong against their country. That is my directive to you and to them.”[24]
Shiekh Gilani says that President Obama is a direct descendant of the Prophet Muhammad, making him a family member of Gilani’s. He claimed that President Obama’s real name is Syed Mubarik Hussain Obama.[25] One MOA-affiliated source said that members who are eligible voters were instructed to vote for him.
Gilani excuses President Obama’s involvement in policies condemned by MOA, such as drone strikes in Pakistan that target terrorists, by saying that the President’s power is more limited than it appears. He says that the “drone lobby in America is very strong” and “anyone who goes against the Zionist lobby in America goes the way of President John F. Kennedy.” Gilani said that, even under President Obama, the U.S. “isn’t truly operating independently anymore.”[26]
MOA claims in a 2002 propaganda video that it conducted a census and discovered that America is a Muslim-majority country. The spokespersons say that MOA will never declare jihad against America as a country and “We will defend our country against all enemies, foreign and domestic…at the same time, we will not sit idly by and let our country be destroyed by this hidden hand.”
The video claims that the U.S. government is secretly “enslaved” by Zionists waging war on Islam. Therefore, MOA frames confrontation with the U.S. government and parts of American society as a pro-American action.[27]
This twisted form of patriotism has existed in MOA’s ideology since its founding. An issue of MOA’s newspaper from 1983 announces the formation of its International Jihad Council and claims “it is our desire to preserve America.”
However, doing so requires standing against elements of the U.S. government and law enforcement. It complains, “the elements in opposition to the American people as well as El-Fuqra have caused our jamaat immeasurable suffering, notwithstanding the martyrdom of some of its members.”
It reports as fact, “the invisible hands of Satan is in control of the USSR and USA.” It says that Jews and Zionists in the U.S. government, especially law enforcement, are carrying out a mass persecution of Muslim-Americans.
It even urges Muslims to reject national identities; thereby taking a position that is antithetical to true patriotism. It states, “How long will it take for us to understand that we are not Arabs, Americans or others, we are Muslims?”
In a secret videotape from the 1990s offering guerilla warfare training for Muslims, Sheikh Gilani says that Russia and the U.S. have joined hands since the fall of communism and “a single [Muslim] community is the living threat to the Western civilization.”[28]
An official MOA book published in 1994 teaches, “the most powerful nation in the world, the U.S., dangles on the string of Zionist puppeteers and does their bidding.” It also accuses the U.S. and European militaries of working to “annihilate Islam.”
“[Americans] must repossess their government from conspirators who have only their devious goals in mind,” it says.[29]
The book also teaches that the “Zionist-occupied government of America” is plotting a genocide against all Muslims but the conspirators will “soon” be defeated by Allah. This will be when the Mahdi will appear, lead Muslims to the “final victory” over Islam’s enemies, and Christianity will be absorbed into Islam.
An official MOA book published in 1999 states, “Muslims know that the U.S. is the darkest continent on the face of the earth.” It also says that “Muslims the world over are extremely concerned and impassioned over the attack against Islam that is being launched from the shores of the United States.”[30]
While claiming to be pro-American, MOA materials are critical even of the creation of the U.S.
Its 1999 book teaches that the European discovery of America was an extension of the Crusaders’ war on Islam. It says that the hospitality of the Native Americans “seal[ed] the fate of the continent and launch[ed] it into destruction and an era of darkness that lasts still to this present day.”
In one 2015 article, MOA argues in favor of Sharia Law, claiming it is similar to the U.S. Constitution, and attacks its critics. The piece states that Sharia Law would eliminate the U.S. and give its land to the Native American tribes:
“So why are some Americans worried about Sharia? Perhaps the ‘anti-sharia’ hate-mongers are afraid of the fact that it would give those cheated and abused in the past the right to prosecute those who had wronged them—whether by destruction of their properties, physical harm that was rendered, and/or wealth that was usurped.
Under Sharia, a person’s lands, if taken unjustly, would have to be given back to them. Following Sharia, the U.S. would owe its very existence to Native American tribes.”
“So why are some Americans worried about Sharia? Perhaps the ‘anti-sharia’ hate-mongers are afraid of the fact that it would give those cheated and abused in the past the right to prosecute those who had wronged them—whether by destruction of their properties, physical harm that was rendered, and/or wealth that was usurped.
Under Sharia, a person’s lands, if taken unjustly, would have to be given back to them. Following Sharia, the U.S. would owe its very existence to Native American tribes.” [31]
While MOA treats the establishment of the U.S. negatively, it sounds positive about its predicted downfall. A frequent theme of MOA rhetoric is that Allah will bring great punishment or even destruction to the United States for its alleged sins.
In a 2011 event in New York, the “mayor” of the compound in Red House, Virginia, preached that the U.S. will be destroyed if it allows the Quran to be burned.[32]
An anti-Semitic video produced by MOA in 2013 announces that a miracle at Islamberg is a signal that MOA’s ‘Islamophobic” enemies will soon be destroyed. It says in a threatening tone:
“[The miracle is] a sign that is actually a warning to those who are churning hatred and Islamophobia. We warn you: Ignore this warning and you will go down in history the way the Pharoah, Thamud and Lot went down. No one hears anything about them as their cities were destroyed by the Almighty Creator.”[33]
Violent Jihad
A 2007 FBI document obtained by Ryan Mauro of the Clarion Project states, “The documented propensity for violence by this organization supports the belief the leadership of the MOA extols membership to pursue a policy of jihad or holy war against individuals or groups it considers enemies of Islam, which includes the US Government.”
Gilani’s earliest followers believed that he was chosen by Allah to wage an international jihad against the enemies of Islam. He published a letter in December 1979 telling Muslims they are required by Allah to participate in jihad against Russia and Zionists.
His 1980 book emphasizes that Gilani’s organization is working to fight perceived enemies of Islam around the world and not just in Afghanistan. It describes a miracle showing a world war and the sword of Islam conquering Russia and India.[34] The book most emphasizes jihad against Russia, India, Israel and Iran.
It includes a testimony from one student that joined him in a retreat in the Himalaya Mountains in 1978. The student says that Prophet Muhammad told him that Gilani would get “invisible assistance from Allah” when they “clash with kafirs and eliminate kafir.” The student says that the group is ordered to “undertake jihad.”[35]
It also teaches:
“The Muslims who stand for truth must case off the mental constraints of nationalism, submissive and apologetic behavior and tackle the enemies of Islam boldly and aggressively.”
“In this age, the earlier spirit of Islam will return but of course after a great deal of sacrifice and bloodshed…. Many will choose the path of ideological surrender by compromising Divine principles contained in the Holy Quran. Wherein a true Muslim is expected to confront falsehood whether he is light or heavy (with resources). He, in fact, is expected to prove to his Lord, his fidelity, by offering in sacrifice his life, limbs and property.”
“The slogan Allah-o-Akbar is the slogan of revolution, dominance and victory of Islam over all religions of the world. This slogan in this Century will cause fear and demoralization in the hearts of non-believers and at the same time it will inculcate immense courage and spirit of sacrifice in the hearts of those commemorating it, loudly in groups, big or small, at public or private places, particularly in regions where Muslims are fighting against oppression, tyranny and exploitation.
Allah be praised, in the beginning of the year 1980, during the visit of El Sheikh Syed Mubarik Jilani to the United States this slogan was introduced there and people were organized to raise this slogan of victory and dominance at public places and mosques.”
“’The time draws near your group.’ This means that very soon the forces of Truth and Falsehood will begin to clash after the dawn of this Century. Therefore under Divine Command this Jamaat will play an active role in propagating the true Islamic injunctions in the Holy Wars.”
“With beginning of the new year many fitnas [revolts] will raise their head. To crush them, jihad-bil-saif (holy war with sword) will be raised. That Jama’at which was earlier waging Jihad-bil-qalm (holy war with pen) will now by the grace of Allah eliminate these fitnas.”
“Dominance of Islam, which take[s] place after war and many bloodsheds.”
“[Allah] has allowed the Russians to march into Afghanistan and Zionists in Jerusalem in order to test the fidelity and faith of individuals and nations who call themselves champions of Islam. There was a time when Muslims, despite their numerical inferiority, would take up arms in the name of Allah and would change the political structures of many continents. Now a great number of so-called Muslims sit together and like Jews they propagate falsehood and suppress the truth.”
[Allah] has inspired a Jama’at of pious Muslims and has blessed them….and has assigned them a mission to unite the Muslim Ummah and prepare them for Holy wars with a promise of victory. Allah…has blessed this Jama’at with full promise of victory and has also assured the Muslim Ummah that they must turn to Him for help. They must fight whether light or heavy in Afghanistan, Jerusalem and wherever Muslims are oppressed. It is not the first time that a Jama’at or order like ours has appeared, our past history is replete with innumerable examples.”
“Our Mission extends to all the Muslims of the world. Wherever they are oppressed, they should seek our advice. At present, we remind the Muslims that Holy War—Jihad is compulsory in Afghanistan in support of Afghan Muslims. Muslims should shed their petty differences and drive the Zionists out of the Holy Lands.
Let the Communists, Hindus, Ahmadis and groups like El-Zulfiqar know that Pakistan shall become the Fort of Islam. Its Army the Arm of Allah very soon. Pakistani politicians and ulema should forget about politics, they should support, guide and help Mr. Zia-ul-Haq in enforcing the Islamic Order and maintaining peace in Pakistan.”
A 1982 book published by MOA consisting of Gilani’s teachings and testimonies from his students states that it consists of “discourses on jihad, Islamic ideology, revival of militant Sufi Order.”[36]
In February 1982, Sheikh Gilani preached at the radical Yasin Mosque in Brooklyn, N.Y. According to a 2003 FBI report, he admonished Muslim-Americans for not “so far gone forth to jihad (war) for the pleasure of Allah.” The FBI report noted that the mosque was of counter-terrorism concern since 1973.
In 1984, MOA’s Quranic Open University in Brooklyn titled “Kalah of American Fuqra” that consists of stories and poems from members. Most of them refer to waging violent jihad. One section states, “[Our] foremost duty is to wage jihad (holy war) against any people who oppress their Muslim bretheren, wherever and whenever it shall occur…oppression is worse than death.”
Mujahid and Aliyya A. Khabir of Virginia write, “During the Jihad martyrs fight, this is their request. To rid the earth of tyrants, oppressors and the like. Allah has shown his mercy! Take a good look at His might! Jihad!”
It continues, “Our sons will be warriors, our daughters nursing their wounds. Please let us die before our death, coming home to you soon.”
Another poem by Taliba Faqira Karim A. Aziz of Maryland states, “Allah has commanded us to fight, not hide. Oppression, injustice, immorality must be fought with all our might…For him we live and for him we die!”
One by Faqir Ali Abdul-Aziz declares, “we dhikr [pray] to the beat of a sub-machine gun! As we strive tb one with the one, you better run kuffar, run, cause we dhikr to the beat of a sub-machine gun. If we see another Muslim hurt, we must be full alert, ready to kill and die, rather than live a lie.”
Faqira Sharia Abdallah, a resident of New York that was born in New Jersey, says, “Allah will join friend with friend, so when you fight, fight for right.” It is accompanied with a graphic of a gun.
Taliba Faqira Aisha A. Sabur of Washington declares, “Fuqra’s on the move” and wishes “for martyrdom to come our way.” She writes, “Allah the time has grown near, when we prepare to get our gear” and pledges, “Abu, the Jamaatul Fuqra will fight.” Fuqra/MOA members refer to Gilani as “Abu,” meaning father.
Aisha A. Sabur writes in a poem, “the sheikh’s the jihad leader.” It continues:
“’Come join my troops and army,’ says our Sheikh Jilani. Prepare to sacrifice your head, a true believer is never dead. Say ‘victory is in the air,’ the kafir’s blood will not be spared.’’
Another MOA document is a song from the 1980s to early 1990s where a woman discusses raising a son to wage jihad one day. She writes, “Allahu akbar the battle cry, Resounds across the sky, Allahu Akbar is all you hear, Allah’s soldiers have no fear.”
Referring to her boy, she writes, “Allah’s little soldier she must prepare.” She continues:
“Now that he is matured, she’ll give to him his Abu’s sword, he fought to defend Allah’s deen, now his son is mujahideen…She prepares his battle array, ‘you go forth for Allah,’ she will say, ‘fight with valor, fight with might, victory or paradise is alright.”
In an issue of the MOA newspaper at the time, Islamic Chronicle, the group boasts of being more willing to fight and die than the Iranian regime:
“The Jamaat ul Fuqra…love martyrdom more than Khomeini…[he] lives to hold on to his tyrannical, oppressive regime. The Fuqra love martyrdom more than the kuffar love wine and women. Each and every moment they anxiously await the invitation for martyrdom.”
The January 1992 issue of MOA’s newspaper (then going by the name of Islamic Observer) says, “Muslims must fight in defense of Al-Islam” and “fight in the cause of Allah those who fight you.” It continues, “remember oppression is worse than slaughter.”
The last sentence is key to understanding deceptive or confusing Islamist (including MOA) rhetoric. Condemnations of violence are conditional and they do not see it as a contradiction to simultaneously condemn violence while endorsing it against perceived oppression.
MOA’s book published in 1994 says Muslims must “struggle to establish Islamic Law” to replace governments that decline to establish Sharia law. The definition of jihad is “struggle.” MOA clearly chose not to use the word “jihad’ in this sentence.[37]
MOA’s belief in jihad includes working with non-MOA Muslims. A secret video produced by Sheikh Gilani announces the establishment of an international fighting force named “Soldiers of Allah” emphasizes that the group is eager to train other Muslims pursuing jihad and to collaborate with them.[38]
Osama Bin Laden, Al-Qaeda, ISIS, etc.
Sheikh Gilani tells his followers that the 9/11 attacks were carried out by the Zionist conspiracy and not Osama Bin Laden. He does not refer to Bin Laden as a terrorist but as a “Saudi activist.”[39]
He writes, “Many government agencies want the world to believe that Osama Bin Laden destroyed the World Trade Center. Few believe it because all research and evidences reveal that it was the job of insiders.”[40]
He preaches that Wahhabism and the Islamic State (also known as ISIS or ISIL) terrorist group is a “brainchild of British intelligence.” He writes: “O behalf of Qadri Sufis and other Muslims, I demand from the British government to withdraw their support of their agents who are causing death, destruction and genocide following their agenda in Pakistan and elsewhere in many Islamic countries.”[41]
MOA’s reaction to the terrorist attack in San Bernardino, California by ISIS supporters in December 2015 was to characterize it as a conspiracy. The group’s Tumblr account posted an eyewitness account that purportedly supported this theory. The post reads, “Witness describes the San Bernardino Shooters #falseflag #terrorist.”[42]
Resurrecting the Caliphate
MOA believes in resurrecting the caliphate, meaning an Islamic theocratic empire, that grows to encompass all Islamic lands and command the loyalty of Muslims worldwide. This standard Islamist belief holds that the caliphate would be a unified military force that wages jihad in defense of Muslims in non-Muslim lands that oppressed. The ultimate objective is global conquest.
MOA material has referred to Gilani as a “caliph.” One of his earliest followers claims that the Prophet Muhammad told him that Gilani “is his caliph” and the “imam of the present century.”[43]
MOA’s newspaper emphasizes the obligation of Muslims to pursue a caliphate. One issue of the Islamic Chornicle says that the Zionist conspiracy against Islam will only be stopped when all Muslims are united under one banner with a single armed force based in Medina. The article condemned the government of Saudi Arabia but explicitly said it was not calling on Muslims to overthrow it.
MOA’s 1994 book states Muslims must unite into a single bloc against the West. Specific alleged aggressions by the West mentioned in the book include claims that the Sudanese regime is violating human rights; the “economic blockade” of Sudan and the U.S.-allied Islamic coalition led by Saudi Arabia that “gangs up on Iraq,” which was then led by Saddam Hussein.
The book says the Islamic Bloc must have a single defense force and currency and boycott all Western products and reject Western culture as deviant. It calls on Muslims to spark a “motivation of Islamic youth at world level” and says an Islamic center of thought must be established in Sudan, Pakistan, Afghanistan or Malaysia. It includes various excerpts from a book titled “Islamic Military Resurgence” by Col. Abdul Rahman Abdul.[44]
Anti-Semitism / Destroying Israel
Fuqra/MOA believes that the establishment of Israel was part of a Satanic-Zionist conspiracy to eliminate Islam. It believes that the Zionist conspiracy, oftentimes referred to more vaguely as the “hidden hand,” is responsible for virtually every atrocity in history, from the murdering of Jesus to the Japanese bombing of Pearl Harbor to the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001.
Its view of the world closely parallels the anti-Semitic forgery, Protocols of the Elders of Zion. MOA-affiliated sources say that members regularly cite the tract and it is practically required reading. For example, Gilani says that his Muslim Boy Scouts went to New York after the 9/11 attacks to participate in relief efforts and “discovered” that 4,000 Jewish workers at the World Trade Center did not show up for work that day, proving that they were informed in advance.[45]
Gilani’s 1980 book called on Muslims to wage violent jihad against Zionists; a declaration hat he has never retracted or denied:
“[Allah] has allowed the Russians to march into Afghanistan and Zionists in Jerusalem in order to test the fidelity and faith of individuals and nations who call themselves champions of Islam. There was a time when Muslims, despite their numerical inferiority, would take up arms in the name of Allah and would change the political structures of many continents. Now a great number of so-called Muslims sit together and like Jews they propagate falsehood and suppress the truth.”
[Allah] has inspired a Jama’at of pious Muslims and has blessed them….and has assigned them a mission to unite the Muslim Ummah and prepare them for Holy wars with a promise of victory. Allah…has blessed this Jama’at with full promise of victory and has also assured the Muslim Ummah that they must turn to Him for help. They must fight whether light or heavy in Afghanistan, Jerusalem and wherever Muslims are oppressed. It is not the first time that a Jama’at or order like ours has appeared, our past history is replete with innumerable examples.”
“Our Mission extends to all the Muslims of the world. Wherever they are oppressed, they should seek our advice. At present, we remind the Muslims that Holy War—Jihad is compulsory in Afghanistan in support of Afghan Muslims. Muslims should shed their petty differences and drive the Zionists out of the Holy Lands.[46]
“[Allah] has allowed the Russians to march into Afghanistan and Zionists in Jerusalem in order to test the fidelity and faith of individuals and nations who call themselves champions of Islam. There was a time when Muslims, despite their numerical inferiority, would take up arms in the name of Allah and would change the political structures of many continents. Now a great number of so-called Muslims sit together and like Jews they propagate falsehood and suppress the truth.”
[Allah] has inspired a Jama’at of pious Muslims and has blessed them….and has assigned them a mission to unite the Muslim Ummah and prepare them for Holy wars with a promise of victory. Allah…has blessed this Jama’at with full promise of victory and has also assured the Muslim Ummah that they must turn to Him for help. They must fight whether light or heavy in Afghanistan, Jerusalem and wherever Muslims are oppressed. It is not the first time that a Jama’at or order like ours has appeared, our past history is replete with innumerable examples.”
“Our Mission extends to all the Muslims of the world. Wherever they are oppressed, they should seek our advice. At present, we remind the Muslims that Holy War—Jihad is compulsory in Afghanistan in support of Afghan Muslims. Muslims should shed their petty differences and drive the Zionists out of the Holy Lands.[46]
In another book, Gilani preaches, “Jews are an example of human Satans. This is why Jews are the founders of Satan worship and Masonic lodges and are now trying to take over the entire globe in which the global religion is to be Satanism.”[47]
In one letter written to MOA’s women from Lahore, Pakistan, she instructed, “be aware that the yahood [Jews] is an enemy and you should know never to trust him.” She then warns that Jews will be friendly and smile at you to get your money and then destroy you.
In another MOA book, it says Allah told Gilani and his followers to “invite Muslim ummah for jihad against all communists and Yahud [Jews] and were assured every possible Divine help leading to the ultimate victory and dominance of Islam only if they accepted the call of jihad.”
It also warns that “Jewish propaganda that religion is a private affair” is negatively influencing the Muslim-American community.[48]
A secret videotape produced by Gilani in the early 1990s titled “Soldiers of Allah” tells viewers to contact MOA for training in guerilla warfare in Pakistan, Kashmir and other countries. Muslims from outside MOA are accepted. A section of the videotape is dedicated towards showing off training for fighting “Jews and Israelis.”[49]
MOA’s 1994 book states, “Much is being said in the news media these days regarding terrorists and terrorism. It is most ironic that the very people who are behind all of this publicity, namely the Jews, have been for the past two thousand years the personification of international terrorism and conspiracy.”
It then claims to expose the Zionist conspiracy against Muslims, including the 1993 World Trade Center bombing, and says, “Jews lie so much that they can’t coordinate their lies.” The book is extremely repetitive in its attacks on Jews and talk of combating a global Zionist conspiracy.[50]
A MOA film produced in 2002 states that Hitler and the Bush family are part of the Satanic-Zionist order, also known as the Illuminati.
It equates Department of Homeland Security with the Gestapo. It alleges that Al-Qaeda is a function of the U.S. government and Zionist conspiracy and absolves Usama Bin Laden of responsibility for the 9/11 attacks by placing the blame on Israel.
The 2002 film treats former KKK Imperial Grand Wizard and American Nazi Party member David Duke as an authoritative source. He is a known anti-Semite and Holocaust denier. It quotes extensively from him in alleging that “Israeli terrorism and American treason caused the September 11 attacks.”[51]
Gilani wrote in 2010, “I have never seen, in the whole of my life, or even in the past thousand years, a Jew who will tell the truth.”[52]
MOA’s interfaith group, the United Muslim Christian Forum, hosted anti-Semitic propaganda on its website and aims to ally with Christians against Jews. It quoted a speaker at one of its events as saying, “We serve notice to the world, that as Muslims and Christians, we will no longer be duped or manipulated by a ‘hidden hand’ into fighting or going to war with each other.”
MOA has long used a strategy of outreach to Christians that includes blaming Jews for the death of Jesus; an obvious attempt to exploit historical Christian anti-Semitism. An entire chapter of MOA’s 1994 book is titled, “Evidence from the Talmud and rabbinical edicts exposing the supremacist attitude of Jews towards Christians.”[53]
Another speaker at its one of its interfaith events claimed that 4,000 Jews that work at the World Trade Center stayed home on September 11, 2001. An article on the website about the event states that the 9/11 attacks were “Stage One of getting the Western world, on behalf of the Jews, to go to war with the Arab world.”[54]
A film released by MOA in 2013 titled “Targeting Islam and Muslims in America” says that Jews have been attacking Islam since the religion was formed and have been punished by Allah for being “stubborn and arrogant.”[55]
The 2013 video claims that a Zionist conspiracy “manufactured the crisis at Pearl Harbor in order to get America to go to war” and that Israel was “directly involved” in the 9/11 attacks. It claims that the Zionist conspiracy “overthrew the U.S. government” after the attacks.[56]
The film says that the Jews “have no homeland and will never have a homeland because by occupying one’s land, one cannot be the legal occupant.”[57]
In 2007, the Islamberg website linked to an anti-Semitic website, ”The Synagogue of Satan,’ promoting the book ‘The Synagogue of Satan: The Secret History of Jewish World Domination.’ Islamberg recommended it as a ‘Must See.’”
World War Two / Nazism
In discussing World War Two, MOA blames the Zionist conspiracy and has a pattern of demonizing the Allied Powers and absolving the Axis Powers of responsibility. Gilani and MOA ridicule the U.S. entry into World War Two.
MOA’s 1994 book said that the U.S. and Soviet Union entered World War Two as part of the Zionist plot for global conquest. It describes President Franklin Roosevelt, British Prime Minister Winston Churchill, and Soviet dictator Joseph Stalin as “hidden operators” who were “controlled by the Zionists.”
There is not a negative word said about the Axis Powers and the book denies that the Axis Powers ever threatened American national security. It says that the Jews used World War Two to create the state of Israel.[58]
The book also characterizes the Jews as guilty of worse crimes than anyone else in history, including the Nazis. It says, “For the past 2000 years, the Jews have been carrying out an utterly ruthless campaign of murder, deception and mischief as ever been perpetrated by any other people through the annals of time.”
A MOA film produced in 2002 says that the Bush family was linked to Hitler. The 2002 film treats former KKK Imperial Grand Wizard and American Nazi Party member David Duke as an authoritative source. He is a known anti-Semite and Holocaust denier.[59]
Sheikh Gilani said in the years following the 9/11 attacks, “We know our enemies are trying to bring about a clash of civilizations the way they brought about a clash between Americans and Germans by allowing the Japanese to bomb Pearl Harbor. At that time, Germans were not against Americans, but they were against Zionists. So Zionists sacrificed the lives of millions of Americans to save themselves.”[60]
In a 2007 editorial, Gilani wrote that the Zionist conspiracy “managed to lure the U.S. into the war by concealing the Japanese secret code. This gave the green light to the Japanese to invade the U.S. at Pearl Harbor. This played an integral role in swaying public opinion towards opposing Hitler, eventually pushing the U.S. into the war.”[61]
Gilani said in a 2015 article promoted by MOA leaders, “[T]here was no need for America to go to war against Hitler. Hitler was not the enemy of America or the American people. There was a mutual animosity between Hitler and the Jews.”[62]
Theocratic Shariah Law
MOA supports the establishment of an Islamic State based on Shariah Law. However, MOA states that Shariah Law is very similar to the U.S. Constitution and Americans should not fear it.[63]
Former and current dissenting members of MOA state that it has an internal security team to partially enforce Shariah Law within its “Islamic villages,” including lashings and other punishments. This is supported by MOA’s own materials.
Sheikh Gilani supported the 1977 coup in Pakistan by Islamist General Zia-ul-Haq.
Haq is “often identified as the person most responsible for turning Pakistan into a global center for Political Islam. Undoubtedly, Zia went farthest in defining Pakistan as an Islamic State and he nurtured the jihadist ideology,” writes Husain Haqqani.[64]
In the 1982 book published by MOA, titled Doors of Beholding and Presence, Gilani complains that no Muslim country is enforcing true Islamic Sharia Law. He condemns monarchies and man-made laws.
One MOA document seized by law enforcement in 1992 is a note signed by members where the member agrees, “I pledge myself to the Shariah” and that the leadership will govern and enforce Shariah.
Another document about the defense of MOA communities states, “We begin, thereby, establishing Islam, the first and righteous government of Allah” and to wage “jihad for the destruction of the present one.”
An issue of their newspaper from the 1980s stated that their villages would have theocratic rules. The publication stated, “Sheikh Jilani explained that this will be a territory to set up a model…for the practice in its simple and austere manner under the Shariat (Law)…”
The pledge for joining MOA’s International Jihad Council in the 1980’s stated, “I shall abide by Gilani’s commands. If I desert, I will be subject to legal proceedings under Islamic law.”
Another seized document includes a question-and-answer about living under Sharia. It says Muslims must adopt “the system of Islam that is for anyone who follows it and against anyone who violates it. No exceptions.” It then references an Islamic verse about cutting off hands as a punishment.
Another newspaper issue, this one from 1983, has a picture of a man bent over as a man stands over him apparently about to strike him. The caption reads, “Ta’azerat being administered.” The article next to the picture explains that enforcement of sharia law in the villages in America is necessary to protect Muslims from falling into legal sins like gambling, adultery and alcohol consumption.
The Jammatul Fuqra has been able to establish justice according to Islamic Law, not only in the United States, but wherever Muslims are living under un-Islamic laws. According to the Holy Q’uran, a Muslim is not allowed to follow laws other than the law of the Holy Qu’ran…This so-called ‘freedom’ is actually enslavement by the kufaar [non-Muslims] and Shaitan [Satan]…”
The article says that the hudud punishments, such as execution and severing of hands and feet, cannot be enforced in kuffar (infidel) lands like the U.S. Notice that this isn’t a stand against Shariah’s brutal hudud punishments; it just means that they aren’t implementable at this time.
The authorities seized a document from the Fuqra/MOA camp in Colorado in 1992 that is particularly disturbing. It is a note written in July 1992 to a Fuqra member that reads, “Stop taking your frustrations out on the children! Some whippings you give ARE UNNECESSARY!” [emphasis original].
Such Sharia-based punishments continued after the Colorado camp was raided in 1992. MOA’s book published in 1994 has an unclear picture of a man shitting on a chair with his back facing a group of Muslims in prayer as a man stands over him.
The caption reads, “American Muslims have established their own villages where Islamic Law has been enforced. Here a wrongdoer is voluntarily accepting punishment.” The image is identical to what MOA-affiliated sources say is the procedure for painful whippings.
MOA’s belief in theocratic Shariah Law (and moving the U.S. towards compliance with it) is most apparent when it comes to free speech.
In a February 1989 letter to President Bush, MOA warns him that the First Amendment and free speech is being used as a farce by enemies of Islam like Salman Rushdie, the author of The Satanic Verses, who prominent Islamists had issued a death warrant for. MOA said Rushdie had united Muslims like “no other event in this modern era” against “atheistic Zionists” who control the media and are trying to undermine morality.
MOA’s letter to President Bush argued that the Founding Fathers were religious so they never meant for the First Amendment to be used to destroy the moral fabric of society, as anti-Islam voices like Rushdie were allegedly trying to do. It was implied that perceived enemies of Islam and foes of morality can and should be prosecuted.
MOA’s interfaith wing, the United Muslim Christian Forum, demanded in 2012 that the U.S. government to ban “hate speech,” specifically against Islam, in order to punish the makers of a YouTube video mocking Islam.
Its press release claimed that it was an act of “media terrorism” and “barbarous treason” aimed at inciting conflict between Muslims and Christians. It said that it is not protected by the First Amendment and “Therefore we demand immediate action by the appropriate government agencies to stop this film and bring its perpetrators to justice for this malicious hate speech.”[65]
Gilani wrote again in 2015:
“The Islamophobic propaganda should come to an end! Muslims should not be pushed into blind alleys, but must be allowed to fully participate in the affairs of the state in their respective countries. Burning Holy Qurans and making objectionable videos and books on the Holy Last Messenger, peace be upon him, should be stopped! Give a new interpretation to the right of freedom of speech that does not allow other parties to hurl insults and abuses to anyone’s creed, religion or religious beliefs.”[66]
Genocide of Ahmadiyya (Qadianis)
MOA views the Ahmadiyya sect as apostates from Islam who deserve death.
A MOA video filmed in the 80’s from its Brooklyn mosque, Masjid Al-Fuqra, shows Gilani and a top leader, Muhammad Hasib Haqq, calling on Muslims to be hostile towards members of the Ahmadiyya, despite Ahmadis’ beliefs that they qualify as Muslims.
The video supports a genocide of the Ahmadiyya but says that they should be prosecuted and executed under a theocratic Islamic State. It says that Muslims should not unilaterally target the Ahmadiyya in America.[67] However, Fuqra/MOA is known to have engaged in terrorism against the Ahmadiyya.
One MOA-affiliated source confirmed MOA’s involvement in targeting the Ahmadiyya in the 1980s and early 1990s and said such acts may still be happening. He said that it was understood that Gilani was forbidding independent acts against the Ahmadiyya in the U.S. without his authorization. He claimed that Gilani approved the murdering of an Ahmadi cleric in Michigan only two days before it happened.[68]
MOA’s 1994 book cited tolerance of homosexuality as a key reason why the U.S. is “the darkest continent on the face of the earth.” It condemned gay and lesbian rights broadly, not just marriage.[69]
Sheikh Gilani and MOA responded with hateful furor to the Supreme Court ruling legalizing same-sex marriage nationwide in the U.S.
MOA published a statement from Gilani describing it as the “blackest day in the history of mankind” and that it should become known as “Black Day” internationally. It called for a “social boycott of all who do not stand against same-gender marriage, in an effort to save ourselves.”
“This is the last nail in the coffin of so-called western society. Almighty God, Allah, will not forgive this. He will take revenge like He took revenge upon those who indulged in sinful relations and are now suffering from His wrath with AIDS, a Divine affliction that is not a disease,”
Gilani said.[70]
- Psychological Warfare – By Fuqra
- Muslim Observer Article
- Musawwir Instructions
- MOA Directive To Its Members: “Conceal”
- Islamic Chronicle Articles – 1980s
- Islamic Chronicle Articles
- In Their Own Words
- Fuqra Using Federal Welfare Funds to Support Its Mission
- Fuqra Training: How To Trick U.S. Employers and Officials
- Fuqra Training Docs: “How To Use Shotgun” and Target Practice
Guerrilla Warfare and Training
- Fuqra Trains Children-Paramilitary
- Fuqra Training Manual and Items in Possession (Wahhabi)
- Fuqra Training Info – Covert Ops, Military, Documents Found in Their Possession
- Fuqra Notes on Jihad-Sword of Rahman
- Fuqra Materials on Bombs and Explosive Device Making
- Fuqra Manual: Instructions on Making Explosives
- Fuqra Leader Training: Explosives and Going “Incognito”
- Fuqra Firearm Training
- Found on Fuqra: “Military Ops and Terror Squad Training Manual”
- “Soldiers of Allah”
Sheikh Mubarik Ali Gilani
- Sheikh Gilani Propaganda Film: “Muslims are Majority in the U.S.”
- Sheikh Gilani Propaganda Film from Pakistan
- Sheikh Gilani Calls for Genocide of Ahmadiyya Muslims
- Sheikh Gilani (Jilani)’s Letters – Documents
- Gilani Speaking on Jihad in Sudan
- About Sheikh Gilani
Articles By Fuqra
- Muslim Observer Article
- MOA Directive To Its Members: “Conceal”
- Islamic Chronicle Articles – 1980s
- Islamic Chronicle Articles
- Fuqra Training Docs: “How To Use Shotgun” and Target Practice
- Fuqra List of Targets in U.S.
- Fuqra Instructions: How to Go Incognito
- Fuqra Book: Beholding the Presence-Jihad
- “The Kalaa of America”
- “Target Islam: Exposing the Malicious Conspiracy of the Zionists Against the World of Islam and Prominent Muslim Leaders”
Footnotes and Citations
[1] Qadree, Faqeer Mohammad Ahmar Naveed Sarwari. (1982). The Doors of Beholding and Presence. Brooklyn: Quranic Open University. Printed at Nafees Printers, Patiala Ground, Lahore, Pakistan.
[2] “International Qur’anic Open University ‘Allow Education of Unsuspecting Public About Avatar,’” IQOU-MOA website, February 6, 2010.
[3] Jilani, Mubarak Ali. (1981). Futuhat-i-Muhammadiyah. Quranic Research Institute of Pakistan: Lahore.
[4] Id.
[5] Id.
[6] Id.
[7] Id.
[8] Qadree, Faqeer Mohammad Ahmar Naveed Sarwari. (1982). The Doors of Beholding and Presence. Brooklyn: Quranic Open University. Printed at Nafees Printers, Patiala Ground, Lahore, Pakistan.
[9] Id.
[10] Sufi Leader El Sheikh Gilani: America Beware of Ikhwan-Al-Muslimeen. (2013). Islamic Post.
[11] You can read the accounts of some MOA members in first-hand testimony.
[12] Qadree, Faqeer Mohammad Ahmar Naveed Sarwari. (1982). The Doors of Beholding and Presence. Brooklyn: Quranic Open University. Printed at Nafees Printers, Patiala Ground, Lahore, Pakistan.
[13] Kohn, David. (2002). Sheik Gilani. 60 Minutes.
[14] Stockman, Farah. (2002). Bomb Probe Eyes Pakistan Links. Boston Globe.
[15] Andrea Bandak and Mikkel Bille. (2013). Politics of Worship in the Contemporary Middle East: Sainthood in Fragile States. Koninklijke Brill.
[16] Video of the sometimes contentious meeting is available at the Fuqra Files YouTube channel.
[17] Mauro, Ryan. (2016). Exclusive: I Was Raised by an Islamist Terror Cult in America. Clarion Project.
[18] Twilight in America. (2011).
[19] You can read the accounts of some MOA members in the section of this website for first-hand testimony.
[20] “Final Confirmation of Imam Hazrat Mahdi.” (2009). Islamic Post.
[21] “I.Q.O.U. Vice Chancellor Presents Historic Evidence of Situations Created to Cast Islam as the Enemy.” (2010). Islamic Post.
[22] “Fuqra/MOA Propaganda Tape: Muslims Are Majority in USA.” (2002). Produced by the International Quranic Open University at Islamberg, N.Y. and the Directorate of Information of The Muslims of the Americas. Fuqra Files YouTube channel.
[23] You can read the accounts of some MOA members in the section of this website for first-hand testimony.
[24] Kohn, David. (2002). Sheik Gilani. 60 Minutes.
[25] Sufi Leader El Sheikh Gilani: America Beware of Ikhwan-Al-Muslimeen. (2013). Islamic Post.
[26] Sufi Leader El Sheikh Gilani: America Beware of Ikhwan-Al-Muslimeen. (2013). Islamic Post.
[27] “Fuqra/MOA Propaganda Tape: Muslims Are Majority in USA.” (2002). Fuqra Files.
[28] The tape, titled Soldiers of Allah, is discussed more in the section about terrorist training camps.
[29] Target Islam: Exposing the Malicious Conspiracy of the Zionists Against the World of Islam and Prominent Muslim Leaders. (1994). Quranic Open University and Pakistan Foundation for Strategic Studies.
[30] Ahmed, Dr. Suhir. (1999). Al-Islam in America: Tragedy and Triumph. Published by the Muslims of the Americas, Inc.—USA and International Quranic Open University.
[31] “Fear Sharia is Coming to America? Too Late, It’s Already Here.” (2015). Islamic Post.
[32] Junaid, Nafisah Umm. “United Muslim Christian Forum Celebrates Milad-un Nabi 2011,” Islamic Post, May 25, 2011.
[33] “Targeting Islam and Muslims in America.” (2013). TMOAmedia YouTube channel:
[34] Jilani, Mubarak Ali. (1981). Futuhat-i-Muhammadiyah. Quranic Research Institute of Pakistan: Lahore.
[35] Jilani, Mubarak Ali. (1981). Futuhat-i-Muhammadiyah. Quranic Research Institute of Pakistan: Lahore.
[36] Qadree, Faqeer Mohammad Ahmar Naveed Sarwari. (1982). The Doors of Beholding and Presence. Brooklyn: Quranic Open University. Printed at Nafees Printers, Patiala Ground, Lahore, Pakistan.
[37] Target Islam: Exposing the Malicious Conspiracy of the Zionists Against the World of Islam and Prominent Muslim Leaders. (1994). Quranic Open University and Pakistan Foundation for Strategic Studies.
[38] More information about the “Soldiers of Allah” tape is available in the section of this website about the issue of jihad/guerilla training. It can also be watched on the Fuqra Files YouTube channel.
[39] “I.Q.O.U. Vice Chancellor Presents Historic Evidence of Situations Created to Cast Islam as the Enemy.” (2010). Islamic Post.
[40] His Eminence El-Sheikh Syed Mubarik Ali Shah Gillani. (2015). Extreme Wahhabism is the Brainchild of British Intelligence Agency. The Muslims of America.
[41] His Eminence El-Sheikh Syed Mubarik Ali Shah Gillani. (2015). Extreme Wahhabism is the Brainchild of British Intelligence Agency. The Muslims of America.
[42] “Witness Describes the San Bernardino Shooters.” (2015). Muslims of America Tumblr account.
[43] Jilani, Mubarak Ali. (1981). Futuhat-i-Muhammadiyah. Quranic Research Institute of Pakistan: Lahore.
[44] Target Islam: Exposing the Malicious Conspiracy of the Zionists Against the World of Islam and Prominent Muslim Leaders. (1994). Quranic Open University and Pakistan Foundation for Strategic Studies.
[45] His Eminence Sultan Mohyuddin Syed Mubarik Ali Gilani Hashimi Hassani wal Husaini. (n.d.). “Pillar of Lies.” International Quranic Open University-Muslims of the Americas.
[46] Jilani, Mubarak Ali. (1981). Futuhat-i-Muhammadiyah. Quranic Research Institute of Pakistan: Lahore.
[47] “Satanism,” from Quranic Psychiatry by Sheikh Gilani. Reprinted at Jafariya News:
[48] Qadree, Faqeer Mohammad Ahmar Naveed Sarwari. (1982). The Doors of Beholding and Presence. Brooklyn: Quranic Open University. Printed at Nafees Printers, Patiala Ground, Lahore, Pakistan.
[49] More information about the “Soldiers of Allah” tape is available in the section of this website about the issue of jihad/guerilla training. It can also be watched on the Fuqra Files YouTube channel.
[50] Target Islam: Exposing the Malicious Conspiracy of the Zionists Against the World of Islam and Prominent Muslim Leaders. (1994). Quranic Open University and Pakistan Foundation for Strategic Studies.
[51] “Fuqra/MOA Propaganda Tape: Muslims Are Majority in USA.” (2002). Produced by the International Quranic Open University at Islamberg, N.Y. and the Directorate of Information of The Muslims of the Americas. Fuqra Files YouTube channel.
[52] “I.Q.O.U. Vice Chancellor Presents Historic Evidence of Situations Created to Cast Islam as the Enemy.” (2010). Islamic Post.
[53] Target Islam: Exposing the Malicious Conspiracy of the Zionists Against the World of Islam and Prominent Muslim Leaders. (1994). Quranic Open University and Pakistan Foundation for Strategic Studies.
[54] “UN: Muslim-Christian Rally for World Peace,” UMCF website, June 22, 2008.
[55] “Targeting Islam and Muslims in America.” (2013). TMOAmedia YouTube channel:
[56] “Targeting Islam and Muslims in America.” (2013). TMOAmedia YouTube channel:
[57] “Targeting Islam and Muslims in America.” (2013). TMOAmedia YouTube channel:
[58] Target Islam: Exposing the Malicious Conspiracy of the Zionists Against the World of Islam and Prominent Muslim Leaders. (1994). Quranic Open University and Pakistan Foundation for Strategic Studies.
[59] “Fuqra/MOA Propaganda Tape: Muslims Are Majority in USA.” (2002). Produced by the International Quranic Open University at Islamberg, N.Y. and the Directorate of Information of The Muslims of the Americas. Fuqra Files YouTube channel.
[60] His Eminence Sultan Mohyuddin Syed Mubarik Ali Gilani Hashimi Hassani wal Husaini. (n.d.). “Pillar of Lies.” International Quranic Open University-Muslims of the Americas.
[61] His Eminence Sultan Muhyuddin Sheikh Syed Mubarik Ali Gilani. (2007). Exposing the Roots of Terrorism in USA. The Muslims of the Americas.
[62] His Eminence El-Sheikh Syed Mubarik Ali Shah Gillani. (2015). Extreme Wahhabism is the Brainchild of British Intelligence Agency. The Muslims of America.
[63] “Fear Sharia is Coming to America? Too Late, It’s Already Here.” (2015). Islamic Post.
[64] Haqqani, Husain. (2005). Pakistan: Between Mosque and Military. Carnegie Endowment for International Peace.
[65] “American Muslims Revile Anti-Islamic Film: Clear Attack on Muslim-Christian Unity,” UMCF website,
[66] His Eminence El-Sheikh Syed Mubarik Ali Shah Gillani. (2015). Extreme Wahhabism is the Brainchild of British Intelligence Agency. The Muslims of America.
[67] “Sheikh Gilani and Fuqra Call for Genocide of Ahmadiyya Muslims.” (2016). Fuqra Files YouTube channel.
[68] You can read the accounts of some MOA members in the section of this website for first-hand testimony.
[69] Target Islam: Exposing the Malicious Conspiracy of the Zionists Against the World of Islam and Prominent Muslim Leaders. (1994). Quranic Open University and Pakistan Foundation for Strategic Studies.
[70] “Imam of the Muslims of America Declares Supreme Court Ruling as the Blackest Day in the History of Mankind.” (2015). The Muslims of America.
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